Mission | Vision | Values


MeetAtJewels is the only Black-owned adult play space and Kink Bed & Bondage in Memphis, Tennessee. We advocate for an inclusive BDSM & kink community by providing safe, sex positive, and education-based experiences that center Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC).

We host a wide variety of events, workshops, social gatherings, resources for our community and beyond.


MeetAtJewels aims to be the premier BDSM education and play facility in Memphis. We curate an intimate and safe space that welcomes the exploration of creative and consensual kinks, fetishes, and fantasies while facilitating liberatory, experiences for BIPOC and marginalized people.


We welcome and empower people of all expressions to freely and safely explore BDSM and kink.

We are LGBTQ+ inclusive and do not discriminate or judge based on sexual orientation, expression, gender, race, ethnicity, color, nationality, or religion.

Focus on consent, community-building, resource sharing.