Kinky Konversations

In an attempt to advocate for a safe(r) and more inclusive kink community in Memphis and beyond, we have launched our “Kinky Konversations” series. Our monthly in-person panel discussions on select BDSM and kink topics aim to demystify BDSM/Kink and educate by providing a safe space for meaningful dialogue on subjects such as consent, trauma, BIPOC community, and more. Our panelists consist of a wide spectrum of professionals, kinksters, lifestylers, and practitioners.

Our 2-hour long Kinky Konversations include a Q&A to allow those in attendances to be in conversation with the panelists and ask any uncensored questions. Refreshments are provided with admission. Recordings of past panel discussions will become available at a future date.

Check out Aaron Brames article on our first Kinky Konversations published in the Memphis Flyer below!