What is BDSM?

BDSM is an acronym that has come to mean B/D (Bondage and Discipline), D/S (Dominance and submission), and S/M (Sadism and Masochism). The term covers a large assortment of erotic or kinky activities, from fetishes, impact games, cross-dressing, and more. Although the most stereotypical portrayal of BDSM is that of a person wearing leather and enjoying pain, there is actually an entire spectrum of different roles. You don’t have to be into the most intense types of play to be a BDSM-enthusiast.

It isn’t about control as much as it is about the power dynamics in a relationship. The sensual activities that you and your partner enjoy can be fun, quiet, serious, or silly, and still, fall under the BDSM umbrella. Some activities don’t even have to involve sex, although most do. One key foundation in BDSM is consent. Both parties involved must consent to the activities, regardless of who leads.